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Company & Product Brochures

  • REDEI Capability Statement.pdf *new*
  • REDEI Corporate Flyer.pdf
  • REDEI Avantess CLASSIC.pdf
  • REDEI Avantess COMPACT.pdf
  • REDEI Avantess GRANDE.pdf
  • REDEI Mobile Power Centre 1000.pdf
  • REDEI Mobile Power Centre 2000.pdf
  • REDEI Containerised BESS System.pdf
  • REDEI Pump Solutions.pdf
  • REDEI Battery Warranty Guidelines.pdf *download*
  • REDEI Whitepaper – Outlook for the Dairy Industry.pdf

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      Industry Whitepapers

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        REDEI Whitepaper - Outlook For the Dairy Industry and the Important Role of Renewable Energy