
REDEI’s Partnership with Chisholm Tafe

Chisholm Tafe and REDEI Partnership

Chisholm Institute Engineering students undertake vocational placements at REDEI Services.

Earlier this year REDEI undertook a partnership with Chisholm Institute in Dandenong to accept three students from the Engineering courses for the purpose of undertaking vocational placements.

The placements formed the final subject in the students’ courses and involved the students working for 8 weeks prior to graduating.

The opportunity for students to gain relevant vocational training and skills within a workplace setting relating to their area of study and to fulfil the requirements of their course is invaluable.

Placements enable students to gain the skills they need to transition successfully from study to work, while giving industry the opportunity to enrich student learning experiences and increase the number of work-ready graduates.

The three students were tasked with working on a special project as part of their time with REDEI, these projects included:

Projects 1 and 2:

Mehdi Muhammad and Anuj Mittal worked to support the General Manager, Innovation, IT and Engineering in all aspects of CAD work and to revisit and update existing designs for battery boxes, new mobility power systems, learn system constraints and to learn how to improve designs in a factory setting.

Project 3:

Shagun Kaur worked under the General Manager, Redei Solutions Pty Limited to design, develop and procure a farm irrigation controller for a dairy farm in Gippsland.  The aim was to use a sentient automatic control system to draw irrigation from a dam at one end of the farm to distribute water at the opposite end of the farm.

The students completed their placements in March and presented the outcomes of their projects at Chisholm Institute. This partnership proved to be an invaluable experience for both the students and REDEI and we are happy to announce that two of the students are now a permanent part of the REDEI team.

We look forward to seeing them grow in their new roles and continue to contribute to our growing team.

More information?

Contact Olivia Loos on +61 3 8752-2379 or email olivia@redei.io

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